Sunday, November 15, 2015

Quarter 2, Week 2, 11/16 to 11/20

(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure a deadline or assignment or homework wasn't changed at the last minute.) 

 Last updated on Sunday, November 15, 2015, 7:28pm

1st per - 7:45am to 9:05am
Homeroom -  9:09am to 9:19am
2nd per - 9:19am to 10:39am 
Lunch - 10:39am to 11:09am 
3rd per - 11:12am to 12:32pm 
4th per - 12:36pm to 1:26pm 
6th grade Science

Monday to Wednesday - This week students will take an Energy, Forces, and Motion pre-assessment. 

Then students will work on their current 3D GameLab quests, including the Physics Vocabulary shared Slideshow, which they will present next week. 

Here are the quests students need to be working on this week:

  1. All students should have completed both labs and completed both lab quests, Lesson 2 (Building a Battery) and Lesson 3, (Charge It).
  2. The Physics Vocabulary quest,
  3. Battery Blog quest,
  4. Energy Transferring quest,
  5. Atom or Element quest, and
  6. The RiverXChange Project quest.

HW - Students who have not yet completed their volcano work from the 1st quarter and have not yet made up their volcano assessment need to do that at home. There is no longer time during class to work on Volcano since we've begun our Energy and Forces unit.

Thursday to Friday - There are no regularly scheduled classes Thursday and Friday for Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

Teachers will be available in the Commons: 

Thursday 8-11:30 am, 1-3:30 pm and 4:30 – 7:30pm (we stayed until 8pm to accommodate those parents who couldn't come any earlier

Friday 8-11:30 am only (we stayed until noon to accommodate parents who couldn't come any earlier). 

Come check in!

There will be NO fish trapping this week.
6th grade Exploratory
Technology Lit

Monday - Group C - Today we will be working in room 410, the Science room, so that students can finish their Peace4Kids Traits collage posters. Those who are done will work on their WoW in Schools 3D GameLab quests.

HW - None

Tuesday - Group B - Today we will be working in room 410, the Science room, so that students can finish their Peace4Kids Traits collage posters. Those who are done will work on their WoW in Schools 3D GameLab quests.

Wednesday - Group A - Today we will be working in room 410, the Science room, so that students can finish their Peace4Kids Traits collage posters. Those who are done will work on their WoW in Schools 3D GameLab quests.

Thursday and Friday - No School for Parent/Student/Teacher conferences.
Email me with any questions.

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