Saturday, March 14, 2020

Quarter 3, Week 8, 3/16 to 3/20

Mr. G's 6th-grade Homeroom

Monday to Friday - From March 17 to April 24 feel free to work on your Podcast if you have technology at home that allows you to do that. Message Mr. G on Classcraft when you finish Quest Assignments so that he can check your work and get back to you and unlock the next quest assignment.

You can also check Book Creator and work on your book. If you can't or don't have access to technology you can keep adding to your book from home in a writer's notebook using paper (you know, that other technology 😂).

I'll post more here or on Classcraft next week.
6th-grade Science

Monday - Today we will prepare for the upcoming six weeks. Students will choose team roles so they know what to do while at home for our Ocean Guardian School Environmental Stewardship Project.

Tuesday to Friday - This week all of Chimacum School District Teachers will be planning how to best get lessons, assignments, and projects out to students. In the meantime, if you are able to connect at home, you can still access Classcraft and Google Classroom.

This week just focus on getting your Hydro Dynamic Challenge learning done. Plan out your solution, then focus on finding things at home that you can use to build a model of your solution. 

Please consider using recyclable items such as things made of plastic like plastic bottles to make your solution prototype!

That's what you'll submit for this quest assignment INSTEAD of a robotic solution.
Email me with any questions.

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