Sunday, June 16, 2024

Quarter 4, Week 9, 6-17 to 6-21

6B - Ms. Berg's 5/6 Homeroom Class
6G - Mr. Gonzalez's 6th Grade Homeroom Class

Math & Science

No School Wednesday for the Juneteenth Holiday!

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 

Math - 
This week 5th graders will be wrapping up Unit 3 on Decimals then take the Unit 3 assessment. Sixth graders will be wrapping up their Unit 2 Ratios work and then take the Unit 2 Ratios quiz.

Once we are done with our unit assessments we will complete a unit on geometry using Minecraft Education.

Science - This week students will be cleaning up their robotics projects and getting the kits ready for next year. Then we will start to wrap up our Ocean Guardian School Environmental Stewardship Project! Students will complete a final project survey then work on their eportfolio page.

Writer's Elective (Monday and Friday this week) 
 - Teams are recording and editing their video casts!
HW - For Math students have Aleks and for Science students have the Quizizz and Legends of Learning Life, Earth, and Physical Science online study guides.

Email me or message me on Classdojo with any questions.

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