Saturday, June 22, 2024

Quarter 4, Week 10, 6-24 to 6-27

6B - Ms. Berg's 5/6 Homeroom Class
6G - Mr. Gonzalez's 6th Grade Homeroom Class

Math & Science

Thursday is the last day of school & will be an early release with the day ending at 12:15 pm!

Sixth graders will be having their walk through the school to say goodbye to all the 2nd through 5th grade students starting at 10 am on Thursday. Then they will have a cupcake and will end the day at lunch.

Monday to Thursday - 
Math - W
e will complete a unit on geometry using Minecraft Education.

Science - This week students will be learning about modern agricultural science in farming including automation on Minecraft Education. Teams will compete to see who can make the most money by harvesting different crops and bringing them to market.

Writer's Elective (Monday ONLY this week) 
 - Teams are recording and editing their video casts!

Email me or message me on Classdojo with any questions.

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