Sunday, June 9, 2024

Quarter 4, Week 8, 6-10 to 6-14

6B - Ms. Berg's 5/6 Homeroom Class
6G - Mr. Gonzalez's 6th Grade Homeroom Class

Math & Science

Monday to Friday - Garden on Monday for 5th Graders
5th Grade:  For Math 5th graders will be working on Unit 3, decimals, from their Bridges workbooks, pages 91 to 124.

Here is what students will be working on for Science: 

Science Classcraft Assignments

6th Grade: Camp Cispus this whole WEEK!

We need to load the bus by 9 am on Monday, kids can come and eat breakfast they just cannot ride their school bus with their camp gear.

Parents please come pick up your kids Friday between 2 and 2:15 pm!

No Writer's Elective This Week

HW - None

Email me or message me on Classdojo with any questions.

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