Sunday, January 16, 2022

Quarter 2, Week 9, 1-17 to 1-21

Weekly Schedule for

6B - Ms. Berg's 5/6 Homeroom Class
6G - Mr. Gonzalez's 6th Grade Homeroom Class

Monday - No School
Tuesday - 6B 

Wednesday - 6B
Thursday - 6G
Friday - 6B
6G Math & Science

Monday - No school today in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

Thursday - Students will do some testing in Math as the semester comes to an end. One of the tests will be a comprehensive assessment while other test will be a pre-test for the 6th grade textbook work that we are about to begin.

In Science we will continue working on our STEM Robotics unit.
6B 5/6 Math & Science

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - Tuesday we are going to finish practicing how to calculate Mean, Median, and Mode. Then students will get time to complete their final reflection task.

Wednesday and Friday we will do some testing in Math as the semester comes to an end. One of the tests will be a comprehensive assessment while other test will be a pre-test for the 5th and 6th grade textbook work that we are about to begin.

In Science we will continue working on our STEM Robotics unit.

Wednesday is centers day! In the last 2 hours of the day during Science, each team participates in a different experience either building or solving puzzles. One team even explores the world of VR with Oculus Quest 2 headsets! Each class will cycle through all six centers during our Wednesday Science time every other week.

Email Mr. Gonzalez with any questions or parents contact Mr. G via Bloomz and students can message Mr. G on Classcraft.

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