Monday, February 1, 2021

Quarter 3, Week 1, 2-1 to 2-5

Grades for the 1st Semester are being added in Skyward (I already have Science scores in there so call the office if you need your Skyward login information). Teachers are also preparing written progress reports to go with the grades to explain the scores.

Getting a score of 1 on the Science standard means that I received little to no work and therefore cannot accurately assess the student's understanding of the concepts.

Getting a score of 2 on the Science standard means that I received some work and maybe even provided feedback and have not yet received a revision or the revision still needs work. This score shows the student is beginning to show understanding of the concepts.

Getting a score of 3 shows an understanding of the concepts so I received enough evidence.

Getting a score of 4 shows an understanding of the concepts beyond what was expected. Typically this is for students who include enough detail to show a deep understanding of the concepts and how they apply to our environment.

Getting a score of 1 for Work Habits means that the student did little to no work.

Getting a score of 2 for Work Habits means that the students did some work.

Getting a score of 3 for Work Habits means that the student completed all the required work. A score of 3 could also represent a student who did the optional, extra credit assignments but not the required work.

Getting a score of 4 means that the students completed all the required work and even worked on the optional, extra credit assignments!

Cohort A - 8:45 to 11:15 am
A1 - Wed/Fri, 
A2 - Tues/Thurs

Cohort B - 1:00 to 3:25 pm
B1 - Wed/Fri, 
B2 - Tues/Thurs

Monday - No School Today - Semester Break

This week - Students will have some class time to prepare their presentations to show what they've learned about their one parameter as well as to help their fellow cohort-mates learn ALL six parameters so that we can all make an informed, evidence-based conclusion about how Chimacum Creek is doing!

Once all students and/or teams are done presenting, we will craft our conclusions together. Then we will do some microscope work to see what living things we can find that live in our creek yet we can't see! :)
Cohort C

Week's Science Work - Cohort C students still need to check Classcraft every day, take attendance every day, watch the videos in the Class Announcements, and do some Science work every day.

There are enough students who have NOT finished the following three assignments that they can still work on them this week:

  1. Water Quality Research (done with their parameter EdPuzzle)
  2. Graph Your Data
  3. Teach It!
For those who finished their Teach It project, I will be preparing a Classcraft quest to share their work with the other kids in Cohort C so that each student can learn about the other five parameters they did not study. 

I will be getting that quest ready to go this week.

Email Mr. Gonzalez with any questions or parents contact Mr. G via Bloomz and students message Mr. G on Classcraft.

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