Sunday, February 12, 2017

Quarter 3, Week 3, 2/13 to 2/17

(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure a deadline or assignment or homework wasn't changed at the last minute.)

 Last updated on Sunday, Feb 12, 2017, 5:57pm

1st per - 7:45am to 9:02am
Homeroom -  9:06am to 9:16am
2nd per - 9:16am to 10:33am 
Lunch - 10:33am to 11:03am 
3rd per - 11:07am to 12:24pm 
4th per - 12:28pm to 1:22pm 
6th-grade Science

Monday - Today teams will finish the second Friction Lab, Inquiry 6.2 and then move on to the third and final lab, Inquiry 6.3.

HW - Make sure to turn in all the money you collect from your Choose-A-Thon sponsors to the Middle School office.

Tuesday & Wednesday - We are on Early Release Schedule both these days. I'm having surgery on my left eye Tuesday so I will be gone both these days. 

Here are 3D GameLab quests that 6th graders still need to do - 
Old quests that need to be finished by those who haven’t done them:
Lesson 3 CER
Battery Charging Time
Bottle Flipping

New Quests for this week:
Friction (this is the Lesson 6 Lab)
Friction Knowledge Probe

Quests to get done this week and are late if not yet done:
Elastic Force and Gravity (this is the Lesson 5 Lab)
Simple Machines
Bottle Rockets Launch
Elastic Force and Gravity RAFTs
Energy Saving Light Bulb
Energy Transfers
Gravity and Falling Objects
More About Batteries
The Essentials of Energy

Quests for kids who are done with all or most of the above:
Newton's Laws (Only available to those who completed the Hour of Code quest)
Newton's Laws Experiments
Programming the Sphero
Super Speed (Only available to those who reach Level 6!)
Human's Flying (Only available to those who complete Super Speed)
World Solutions (optional)

Thursday - I will be back today to check in on students. Those who are still not done with their CER Conclusion quests will be working on those today. Students who have been working diligently can continue to work on their 3D GameLab quests.

Friday - Students will continue to work on the 3D GameLab quests listed above in the Tuesday & Wednesday section.
6th-grade Exploratory
Technology Literacy

Monday - Group B - We will be meeting in the computer lab so that students can continue playing World of Warcraft!

HW - None, unless you are not yet playing World of Warcraft. Then you need to complete the quests that will allow you to play the game.

Tuesday - Group C - Same as Monday.

Wednesday - Group A - Same as Monday.

Friday (double period) - 
12:28 to 1:03pm - Group B
1:06 to 1:41pm - Group C
1:45 to 2:20pm - Group A

Students will be working on their 3D GameLab quests on Fridays so we will be meeting in my Science classroom, room 410.
Email me with any questions.

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