Saturday, September 3, 2022

Quarter 1, Week 1, 9-5 to 9-9


6A - Mr. Barbuto's 5/6 Homeroom Class
6B - Ms. Berg's 5/6 Homeroom Class
6G - Mr. Gonzalez's 5/6 Grade Homeroom Class

Daily Schedule (M, T, Th, F)
Period 1 - 8:45am to 10:30am 
Specialists - 10:30am to 11:20am 
Per 2 - 11:00am to 12:20pm
Lunch - 12:20pm to 12:55pm
Per 2 Cont'd - 12:55pm to 1:35pm
Period 3 - 1:35pm to 1:50pm
Recess - 1:50pm to 2:00pm
Per 3 Cont'd - 2:00pm to 3:20pm
Wednesday Schedule (Only)
Period 1 - 8:45am to 10:10am
Period 2 - 10:10am to 10:30am 
Specialists - 10:30am to 11:20am
Per 2 Cont'd - 11:20am to 12:20pm 
Lunch - 12:20pm to 12:55pm
Period 3 - 12:55pm to 2:20pm
6th-grade Science

Monday -
Labor Day - No School

Tuesday - 
6C Per 1 - Class intro and class syllabus handed out. 

Experimental design - making slime! Record observations in Science notebooks.

6B Per 2 - Same as Period 1.

6A Per 3 - Same as Period 1.

HW - Read the course syllabus and sign up for Classdojo. Let us know if you have any questions by messaging us on Classdojo. If students want to bring something for tomorrow's slime making experiments, they need to get that.

If students wish to join the CES Minecraft Esports Club, please fill out the permission packet and have your child return to Mr. Gonzalez as soon as possible.

Wednesday - 
6C Per 1 - Each team needs to change one variable and repeat the experiment to see how the slime changes. Record observations in notebooks.

6B Per 2 - Same as Period 1.

6A Per 3 - Same as Period 1.

Thursday - 
6C Per 1 - Laptops assigned to all students. We will send a form home for those families who need to check out a laptop to use for the year. If families choose, students can either take their laptops home every day or leave them at school every day.

We will go over caring for laptops. Students will sign up for their Science Google Classrooms and their Science Classcraft accounts.

6B Per 2 - Same as Period 1.

6A Per 3 - Same as Period 1.

HW - If you would like to check out a laptop for your child to take home every day, please fill out the computer check out form.

Friday -  
6C Per 1 - Students will be completing a few more activities on their new laptops. I have a few Google Forms surveys and new students need to set up their electronic portfolios for the year.

6B Per 2 - Same as Period 1.

6A Per 3 - Same as Period 1.

Email me or message me on Classdojo with any questions.

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