Friday, April 3, 2015

Week 10/1, 4/6 to 4/10

(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure something wasn't changed at the last minute.) 

 Last updated on Friday, Apr 3, 2015, 3:38pm

1st per - 7:45am to 9:08am 
2nd per - 9:12am to 10:35am 
Lunch - 10:35am to 11:05am 
3rd per - 11:09am to 12:31pm 
4th per - 12:35pm to 1:25pm 
6th grade Science

Monday - Today students should start working, or continue working on their Water Pollution Public Service Announcements (PSAs). I'm going to give a short water pollution quiz to see who is not yet ready to start their PSA.

HW - Get the Water Quality Testing Permission Slip signed and returned to Mr. G by Friday so we can start taking trips to the creek for data collection.

Tuesday - Today we are going to do an activity on Scientific Thinking so that students can see the importance of checking their sources when doing research. It's not as easy as Googling and accepting the first site you find.

Students will be asked to form project teams today that they will work with until the end of the year, including presenting at this year's GreenSTEMs Youth Summit (more info coming by the end of May). Teams will need to be balanced so that they have all the skills needed to successfully complete this project.

HW - Same as yesterday.

Wednesday - Today we are going to begin an activity called Food Miles to learn the added cost of buying foods that come from far away vs buying locally grown food.

HW - Same as Monday.

Thursday - Today students will complete the Food Miles Activity so they can continue working on their water pollution PSAs.

HW - Same as Monday, permission slips are due tomorrow so we can start going to the creek next week.

Friday - Continue working on the water pollution PSAs.

HW - Same as Monday.
6th grade Exploratory
WoW in Schools

(This is my 2nd period class come back for 4th period. By Wednesday, when the 4th quarter begins it will switch to my 3rd period class coming back, or rather staying, for 4th period!)

Monday and Tuesday - These will be the last two days for students to play their Horde character and learn our enemy's story. Those who aren't done with their final keyboarding test or the end of course survey will do those first.

Wednesday - Today my 3rd period class will begin the WoWinSchools World of Warcraft (WoW) course!

I will introduce the course today.

HW - Take home the parent information letter and get it signed and returned to Mr. G.

Thursday and Friday - Once I'm done introducing the course students will begin accessing their WoWinSchools lessons and activities to begin doing the work they need to get done before they can begin playing World of Warcraft (WoW)!
Email me with any questions.

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