Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Week 11, 4/14 to 4/18

(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure something wasn't changed at the last minute.) 

 Last updated on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, 8:27am

1st per - 7:45am to 8:37am 
2nd per - 8:41am to 9:33am 
3rd per - 9:37am to 10:29am 
Eagle Time - 10:33am to 11:00am
Lunch - 11:00am to 11:32am 
4th per - 11:36am to 12:28pm 
5th per - 12:32pm to 1:24pm 
6th per - 1:28pm to 2:20pm
6th grade Science

Monday - Today teams are asked to finish their note-taking so they can share what they've learned with each other and answer the seven water pollution questions as part of the Water pollution webquest.

HW - Get your field trip permission slip, for our trips to Chimacum Creek for water quality testing, signed by a parent and turned in to Mr. G ASAP.

Tuesday - As teams work on their Water pollution webquest I am preparing the equipment so I can start training kids how to use it to collect water quality data. The plan is to start going down to the creek this coming Monday, April 21.

HW - Same as Monday.

Wednesday - Today is our Student-Led Conference Day! May your conferences be rewarding!

HW - Same as Monday.

Thursday - Teams will continue to work on their Water pollution webquest (teams need to be done answering the questions and working on writing their public service announcement) while I train them in small groups on how to use the water quality testing equipment.

HW - Same as Monday.

Friday - Same as yesterday.

HW - Same as Monday.
8th grade Science

Monday - Today I shared some of the chemistry behind the lab we did last week.

Then we learned about mitosis and meiosis.

HW - None if you're all caught up.

Tuesday - Today we will review mitosis and meiosis then we will begin to learn about Genetics.

HW - None if you're all caught up.

Wednesday - Today is our Student-Led Conference Day! May your conferences be rewarding!

HW - None if you're all caught up.

Thursday - Today we will continue our exploration of genetics!

HW - None if you're all caught up.

Friday - Genetics exploration continued.

HW - None if you're all caught up.
Email me with any questions.

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