Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week 2, 9/10 to 9/14

(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure something wasn't changed at the last minute.) 
 Last updated on Saturday, Sept 15, 2012, 2:37pm 

 Daily Schedule 
1st per - 7:45am to 8:37am 
2nd per - 8:41am to 9:33am 
3rd per - 9:37am to 10:29am 
Eagle Time - 10:33am to 11:00am 
Lunch - 11:00am to 11:32am 
4th per - 11:36am to 12:28pm 
5th per - 12:32pm to 1:24pm 
6th per - 1:28pm to 2:20pm
6th grade Science

Monday - Today we will finish discussing the survey students took last week. Then we will develop our technology use norms for the year so that students can use the iPads, Netbooks and iMacs responsibly. 

HW - None

Tuesday - Today we will also go over  the district guidelines for using technology at school and being on the school network. 

Then students will work on setting up their class blogs and taking a couple more surveys for me online. 

HW - Get your Informed Consent Agreement and Permission to Publish form (a two-sided sheet!) signed (both sides need to be signed!). Once student blogs are ready students can add an avatar to their blogs at home (if they can).

Wednesday - Today students will be testing out their class blog accounts. Students will work on their first two blog assignments.

The first blog assignment will be the famous 7 random facts assignment then we will begin a student blogging challenge.

HW - None unless you still haven't returned your Informed Consent Agreement and Permission to Publish form signed (both sides, please).

Thursday - Today students are going to work on their 1st student blogging challenge blog post. Then we will practice commenting.

HW - None

Friday - Today we will begin a volcano learning activity in preparation for our Mt Saint Helens trip during Camp Cispus.

HW - None
8th grade Science

Monday - Today we will finish discussing the survey students took last week. Then we will develop our technology use norms for the year so that students can use the iPads, Netbooks and iMacs in Science responsibly. Students then used the computers to take a teamwork survey and to choose blog account passwords.

HW - None 

Tuesday - Then students will work on setting up their class blogs and taking a couple more surveys for me online. The first blog assignment will be the famous 7 random facts assignment as well as begin a student blogging challenge.

HW - None unless you want to add an avatar to your blog.

Wednesday - Today students will finish their week 1 blogging challenge while visiting other students blogs to read and comment on their writings. We will practice proper commenting strategies.

HW - None

Thursday - Today we will begin conducting an investigation into Scientific Thinking and why that's important.

Then we are going to start investigating what is life.

HW - None 

Friday - Today we will make some observations and make some decisions about living things and what it means to be considered living.

HW - None

Email me with any questions.

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