Monday, March 24, 2014

Week 9, 3/24 to 3/28

(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure something wasn't changed at the last minute.) 

 Last updated on Thursday, Mar 24, 2014, 4:30pm

1st per - 7:45am to 8:37am 
2nd per - 8:41am to 9:33am 
3rd per - 9:37am to 10:29am 
Eagle Time - 10:33am to 11:00am
Lunch - 11:00am to 11:32am 
4th per - 11:36am to 12:28pm 
5th per - 12:32pm to 1:24pm 
6th per - 1:28pm to 2:20pm
6th grade Science

Monday - Students still need more time to finish the ten Lesson 10 Assessment questions from last week's Tuesday lab. 

Once students are done answering the 10 questions they were supposed to type their answers into their blogs so that we can go over the answers. I'm still waiting for most 6th graders to finish.

Once they all finish then we can go over the answers. Their completed test and peer scoring will all be on their blogs to share at student-led conferences on April 16. 

HW - If you can finish typing your test answers on your blog for homework that would be most helpful.

Tuesday - I will give students today to complete their test blogs. I really want to go over the answers so that we can finish our energy work and move on to our new topic.

We will be ready to move on to the topic of Water Stewardship once we correct those tests.

HW - See Monday.

Wednesday - Kids are still typing the answers to the test questions onto their blogs so that we can correct. This way their electronic portfolios (their blogs) will be complete with ALL their Energy and Forces learning!

Thursday - I will have a sub today so that I can work with our District Tech Committee. We are reworking our District's Technology Plan.

Those who are still NOT done are typing away today (hopefully).

Friday - Today we will go over the answers to the test questions. Those who for one reason or another did not get their answers typed onto their blogs can correct their own on paper and then report to me, via their blogs, how they did.

HW - Have a great Spring Break!
8th grade Science

Monday - Eighth graders are still working on their Cells assignments. There will be a test on Cells this Friday.

Here are the cell quests that students are working on this week:
-Cell Stuff Videos
-How is a Cell Like A Factory?
-How Big are Cells?
-Plant Cells vs Animal Cells
-Ribbon of Life

HW - None if you are all caught up.

Tuesday - Same as yesterday.

HW - See Monday - there is no specific homework because students can work on anything they do not finish in class at home. If students keep up with their work at school then they should have NO homework. In order to get their Science assignments at home students need access to the Internet.

Wednesday - Same as Monday

HW - See Monday

Thursday - I will have a sub today so that I can work with our District Tech Committee. We are reworking our District's Technology Plan.

Same as Monday

HW - See Monday

Friday - Today students will take their Cells test. They will get the results of the test after Spring Break where they can choose to retake the test to improve their answers.

HW - Have a great Spring Break!
Email me with any questions.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week 8, 3/17 to 3/21

(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure something wasn't changed at the last minute.) 

 Last updated on Tuesday, Mar 18, 2014, 4:12pm

1st per - 7:45am to 8:37am 
2nd per - 8:41am to 9:33am 
3rd per - 9:37am to 10:29am 
Eagle Time - 10:33am to 11:00am
Lunch - 11:00am to 11:32am 
4th per - 11:36am to 12:28pm 
5th per - 12:32pm to 1:24pm 
6th per - 1:28pm to 2:20pm
6th grade Science

Monday - Class time was used today to complete as many of the following quests as possible:
-Power Blog (Lesson 9)
-Work on Your Blog (Lesson 8)
-Motor Force Blog (Lesson 7)
-Energy and Forces
-Friction Blog (Lesson 6)
-Elastic Force & Gravity Blog (Lesson 5)

HW - Catch up if you've fallen behind.

Tuesday - Today we started the Lesson 10 Unit Assessment with a great lab! Students are assessed on how well they follow the directions of the lab and collect accurate data.

HW - See Monday

Wednesday - Today students are going to finish answering the questions about yesterday's lab. Then they are going to type their answers on their blogs so that we can correct them.

HW - See Monday

Thursday - Today students are going to take a short quiz as part of the Lesson 10 Unit Assessment. 

If students are ready we can go over the answers to the lab questions. They are going to use the comment sections of their blogs to grade each other's responses! Totally paperless!

HW - See Monday

Friday - I will have a sub today because I get to go to WE Day!!

Today students will finish whatever they did not complete this week. Those that are caught up will be working on their 3D GameLab Available and/or In Progress quests.

HW - See Monday
8th grade Science

Monday - Today 8th graders are expected to complete most of the following pre-cell study quests:
-Form and Function
-Human Body Basics
-Form Follows Function
-Atom or Element?
-Bonding Time
-Atomic Modeling

HW - Catch up if you've fallen behind.

Tuesday - Today I showed students how to start the How is a Cell Like a Factory quest so that everyone could start working on that one.

Here are the cell quests that students are working on this week:
-Cell Stuff Videos
-How is a Cell Like A Factory?
-How Big are Cells?
-Plant Cells vs Animal Cells
-Ribbon of Life
-Mitosis and Meiosis

HW - See Monday

Wednesday - Work on the cell quests!

HW - See Monday

Thursday - Work on the cell quests!

HW - See Monday

Friday -  I will have a sub today because I get to go to WE Day!!

Work on the cell quests!

HW - See Monday
Email me with any questions.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Week 7, 3/10 to 3/14

(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure something wasn't changed at the last minute.) 

 Last updated on Tuesday, Mar 11, 2014, 8:25am

1st per - 7:45am to 8:37am 
2nd per - 8:41am to 9:33am 
3rd per - 9:37am to 10:29am 
Eagle Time - 10:33am to 11:00am
Lunch - 11:00am to 11:32am 
4th per - 11:36am to 12:28pm 
5th per - 12:32pm to 1:24pm 
6th per - 1:28pm to 2:20pm
6th grade Science

Monday - Today 6th graders are answering the Lesson 9, Power Lab reflection questions.

HW - None

Tuesday - By today students should be finishing up their Power reflection blogs.

See you at the Museum Night at 6:30pm in the MS Gym!

HW - None if you are all caught up.

Wednesday - I will be spending the rest of the week, even Friday, in Seattle at the NCCE Conference so I will have a sub today and tomorrow.

Sixth graders will be finishing up lesson 9 as well as any previous lessons so that we can have the unit assessment next week!

Here are the quests students need to have done this week:
-Power Blog (Lesson 9)
-Work on Your Blog (Lesson 8)
-Motor Force Blog (Lesson 7)
-Energy and Forces
-Friction Blog (Lesson 6)
-Elastic Force & Gravity Blog (Lesson 5)

Once students are done with all of the above they can work on any other Available or In Progress quests.

HW - None if you are all caught up.

Thursday - Same as yesterday!

HW - None if you are all caught up.

Friday - No School Today - It's a Snow Make-Up Day that we don't need to use!

HW - None if you are all caught up.
8th grade Science

Monday - Today 8th graders took some notes on the element Carbon as well as ionic and covalent bonding. We even learned about hydrogen bonds!

HW - Finish the Classification Project if you haven't already.

Tuesday - Students are working on atomic bonding to be able to begin learning about cells and cellular structures.

See you at the Museum Night at 6:30pm in the MS Gym!

HW - None if you are all caught up.

Wednesday - I will be spending the rest of the week, even Friday, in Seattle at the NCCE Conference so I will have a sub today and tomorrow.

Eighth graders will continue to work on the atomic theory quests as they work toward beginning their study of cells.

Here are the quests students are working on:
-Form and Function
-Human Body Basics
-Form Follows Function
-Atom or Element?
-Bonding Time
-Cell Stuff Videos
-Atomic Modeling
-Plant Cells vs Animal Cells
-How is a Cell Like A Factory?
-How Big are Cells?
-Ribbon of Life
-Mitosis and Meiosis

HW - None if you are all caught up.

Thursday - Same as yesterday. By today more and more students should be starting their cell quests.

HW - None if you are all caught up.

Friday - No School Today - It's a Snow Make-Up Day that we don't need to use!

HW - None if you are all caught up.
Email me with any questions.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Week 6, 3/3 to 3/7

(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure something wasn't changed at the last minute.) 

 Last updated on Monday, Mar 3, 2014, 5:08pm

1st per - 7:45am to 8:37am 
2nd per - 8:41am to 9:33am 
3rd per - 9:37am to 10:29am 
Eagle Time - 10:33am to 11:00am
Lunch - 11:00am to 11:32am 
4th per - 11:36am to 12:28pm 
5th per - 12:32pm to 1:24pm 
6th per - 1:28pm to 2:20pm
6th grade Science

Monday - Today 6th graders are continuing to work on their Power Lab. Some teams are almost done with the lab.

HW - None

Tuesday - Early Release. Periods 3 and 5 will meet today.

Teams will continue to work on their Power Lab to complete it today so they can start working on the reflection questions.

HW - None

Wednesday - Early Release. Period 6 will meet today.

Teams will continue to work on their Power Lab to complete it today so they can start working on the reflection questions.

HW - None

Thursday - Finish Power Lab, start reflection questions.

HW - None

Friday - By today everyone should be working on their Power Lab reflection questions. Those who finish can work on other 3D GameLab quests.

HW - None
8th grade Science

Monday - Today students are still working at completing their Classification Project

Those who are done are learning about atoms, elements, molecules and compounds as we explore how structure determines function.

HW - None if you are all caught up.

Tuesday - Early Release today and I don't see any of my 8th grade classes.

HW - Same as Monday.

Wednesday - Early Release today and there will be Science for both my 2nd and 4th period classes.

Same as Monday.

HW - Same as Monday

Thursday - Those who finish all the atomic assignments can begin working on the cell assignments comparing plant cells to animal cells and figuring out how a cell system works to carry out all its functions.

HW - Same as Monday

Friday - Same as yesterday.

HW - Same as Monday
Email me with any questions.